Dress Code Policy
Our uniform policy is optional. Please see our Parent/Student Handbook for options. No student will be penalized academically, or otherwise discriminated against nor denied attendance to school if the parents chose not to comply with the adopted school uniform policy or if they submit a written waiver to the uniform policy.
Dress Code Policies:
- Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. Students should not wear sandals, slippers, flip-flops, Crocs/bubble shoes and/or Heelies (shoes with wheels). Students must wear shoes that completely cover their feet.
- No sagging pants are permitted. “Sagging” pants are more than one size larger than the waist and cannot stay up without a belt.
- All clothing shall be within the bounds of decency and good taste as appropriate for school. No spaghetti strap, bare midriff or sleeveless shirts(“muscle shirts”) or tank tops.
- Any apparel, jewelry, accessories, notebook, personal belongings, or manner of grooming which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, or other attribute-which advocates drug or alcohol use, violent or disruptive behavior, is prohibited.
- Any clothing or combination of clothing and/or accessories deemed to be inappropriate for school.
- Hats, beanies, hoods or similar items should be removed once inside of a classroom or school/office building.