Principal's Corner
Welcome Back Cheetah families to the 24-25 school year! I am excited to start my 4th year here at Hight!
This year we will continue to grow as IB learners becoming knowledgeable of the world around us and always looking to find how we fit into it. We will be having an IB evaluation this February and will continue to take steps toward ensuring that every student is growing and feels heard and accepted in our diverse community. We will continue our work with weekly Community Circles and a daily Morning Meeting in EVERY class every morning. We will also support the individual academic needs of each student during our WIN groups daily.
H Allen Hight welcomes all of our families to participate in our students’ education! There are several ways to become involved in our community including PTA, School Site Council, English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) and class and recess volunteers. My goal is to have our WatchDOGS on campus this year! You will hear more about them soon! If you have any questions about our school, programs, or expectations, please don’t hesitate to contact us or visit our website. Let’s continue to work together and follow the Cheetah Way: BE Safe, BE Responsible and BE Respectful!
Andrea Mitchell, Principal